She’s gotten a job, earns money, and lives a more normal human life. Medusa has lived in Shirou Emiya’s house for a while, along with Sakura and others. She eventually teams up with Shirou Emiya and lives in his home. In the Heaven’s Feel route, Rider protects her Master, Sakura, with Mystic Eyes. In the Unlimited Blade Works route, she is killed by Caster’s Master, Souichirou Kuzuki, while protecting Shinji. She thinks Shinji is disgusting, as rightfully she should, but she obeys him loyally nonetheless. However, Sakura didn’t want to participate in the war, so control of Medusa was transferred over to Shinji Matou. In the Fifth Holy Grail War, Medusa was summoned by the Holy Grail to be a Rider-class Servant. She can use this to seal away an enemy’s magic (or her own) or imprison his consciousness, keeping them in a pleasurable nightmare. With it, she is able to use a golden bridle on Pegasus and soar at incredible speeds, able to dive bomb and destroy a wide area. Besides manipulating it physically with her strength, she can also control its movement telekinetically. It is manifested from her hair and can grow any length she wants. She wields a dagger attached to a chain called the Nameless Dagger. When attacking Shirou, she is able to stalk and surprise attack him often, utilizing the woods to her advantage. Rider (Medusa) is an expert in close-combat. She likes alcohol, snakes, and reading, but hates mirrors. In all routes of Fate/Stay Night, she is immediately willing to sacrifice her life to protect her Master’s life, whether it be Shinji or Sakura. She doesn’t speak much and is extremely loyal to her Master.

Her 3rd Ascension form in Fate/Grand Order also presents her without a blindfold on, leaving her eyes visible. In Fate/hollow ataraxia, Medusa is more humanized and doesn’t wear the blindfold. Her more recognizable feature is the blindfold she wears over her eyes and the red tattoo on her forehead. She wears a sexy black dress with black thigh-highs. In Fate/stay night, Rider appears as a tall beautiful woman with long straight pink hair that runs nearly the entire length of her body. Medusa is also known as the “Bewitching Black Servant” and the “Female Monster of Gorgon.” Appearance What are Medusa’s aliases in the Fate series? Eventually, as commanded by the gods, the hero Perseus cut off her head after reflecting her petrification powers back at her with a shield. In her legend, she was at first a beautiful woman, but due to Athena’s jealousy, transformed into a demon. She and her two sisters were known as the Three Gorgon Sisters of the Shapeless Isle. Her character is based off of a creature in Greek mythology.

Medusa is the True Name of Rider in Fate/stay night.